미국 갤럭시S(Vibrant) 업그레이드에 대해 말씀드립니다.[이슈와 팩트]

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미국 갤럭시S(Vibrant) 업그레이드에 대해 말씀드립니다.

갤럭시S가 국내에 이어 미국에서도 업그레이드가 실시될 예정입니다.

e의 CMO인 Cole Brodman은 PCMag과의 인터뷰를 통해서
121(미국 동부 시간)부터 Froyo upgrade를 할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.
업그레이드 일정 지연 관련 원인에 대해 아래와 같은 요지로 설명했습니다.

‘T-Mobile은 marketing, payments or sales 등과 관련된 지연이

아니며 삼성전자가 작년 11월  upgrade를 T-Mobile에 송부했고
T-Mobile 이 자체 기능 통합과 고객화 (work out the kinks and
integrate its own features, integration and customization)등
적용하느라 시간이 걸렸습니다

자세한 내용은 다음 외신 기사를 참조바랍니다. 고맙습니다.

Samsung Vibrant Froyo Upgrade Coming Jan. 21

An Android 2.2 upgrade for the
Samsung Vibrant will roll out to


subscribers starting on Jan. 21, T-Mobile’s chief marketing


officer Cole Brodman confirmed to PCMag today.

The upgrade will come in waves, so not all Vibrant owners


will receive it on the first day, Brodman said.

But everyone should have it within a few weeks.

The Android 2.2 upgrade brings several new features,


most notably increased speed. Samsung’s delay in updating


its flagship phones has been the subject of intense discussion


on the Internet over the past week, with many Galaxy S owners


expressing anger at Samsung’s lack of communication about the delay.

So what was the hold-up? It was purely technical, Brodman said—it wasn’t


about marketing, payments or sales. Samsung sent its base 2.2 upgrade to


T-Mobile in late November, and with the holiday season, it’s taken until


now for T-Mobile to work out the kinks and integrate its own features.

“It was a quality control and timing issue,” Brodman said. “The biggest


challenge is integration and customization.”

In the future, T-Mobile aims to update all of its phones to new versions


of Google’s Android OS within 3-5 months after Google makes the OS version public,


Brodman said. The delay comes from having to integrate manufacturer skins


and T-Mobile’s own features, such as Wi-Fi calling.

Smartphone users expecting frequent upgrades is “new to us,” Brodman said,


“and we’re going to have to step up and change the way we do things.”

US Cellular said recently on Facebook that the Froyo upgrade for its Samsung


Mesmerize would come in “March.”





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